Sunday, January 29, 2012

Anime Tidbits - Bootlegs

A long time ago, I went to the Philippines to visit my family. While I was walking about the dodgy districts and Chinese rip-offs galore, I found a large amount of anime, all for about $1. I'm not the type to buy things like this, but I needed to buy it just to see how terribly cheap this is. I bought 2 of these. One is "Higurashi" and the other is Toradora. Both of them are absolutely dreadful. You'll see what I mean after the break.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I just couldn't..I tried, honest.

I tried, honest.
Okay, confession time. Out of all the anime I've ever watched, the only anime I haven't finished are shows that I've dropped and Puella Magi Madoka Magika. Madoka is pretty much considered one of the animes to watch, along with the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and others. So, it was a definite watch for anyone. But unlike everyone else I've known, they've all done one thing that I haven't.

Actually finish the show.
I stopped right after episode 10. Episodes 11 and 12 are still on my hard drive, but I still haven't tried to touch them. One day, I tried watching episode 11, but I started crying 5 minutes in.

There was something about the show that made me didn't want to watch it. Well, at this point in my life, I was going through a really serious depression, which I'm still struggling with. During that time, I was looking at anime as a kind of comfort; something that would let me have everything blow over. But instead, I found something else.

Friday, September 23, 2011

So I played Pokemon White for 200+ hours... (AKA I've been holding this off for awhile)

I have a feeling that I am late for this. About a year, was it?  Indeed, it was about one year ago that Pokemon Black and White was released. It seems odd to do a review about a game a year after it's released. But there's something about a game that has a large amount of replay value like Pokemon, that it would need a different type of review. Especially when someone like me, who has only played Generations I-V. Let's start, shall we?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Competitive Pokemon (AKA I don't have an attention span)

Bianca: Me
Ah, the Battle Subway. A great experience for anyone wanting a good battle; especially to get those lovely battle points that can be used for anything from glasses to plant bulbs. And what would be the purpose of all this, you say? Well, it's to practice for competitive Pokemon battling! Yes! You know, when two people love each other very much put their best Pokemon against someone else's Pokemon to win. Usually for fabulous prizes. But the biggest prize, in my opinion, is being THE POKEMON CHAMPION. But then, there are many complications, most of them being time. Let's find out why I can't do ANY of it!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Pokemon, Takoyaki and Crossdressing

Hello there! Glad to meet you! Welcome to the world of KAREN'S KORNER! My name is KARL. People affectionately refer to me as KAREN. This world is inhabited far and wide by creations called BLOGS. For some people, BLOGS are pets. Others use them for arguing. As for myself, I use BLOGS for fun. But first, tell me a little about myself after the break...