Friday, September 16, 2011

Pokemon, Takoyaki and Crossdressing

Hello there! Glad to meet you! Welcome to the world of KAREN'S KORNER! My name is KARL. People affectionately refer to me as KAREN. This world is inhabited far and wide by creations called BLOGS. For some people, BLOGS are pets. Others use them for arguing. As for myself, I use BLOGS for fun. But first, tell me a little about myself after the break...
I'm a transwoman. (AKA Trap)
 I came out to pretty much everyone I know. At least that's over with. I guess I can talk about my transition in the meantime. I'm not in the process of hormone therapy or anything, so we don't need to talk about that.
I'm a bit obsessed with Pokemon. (AKA PokeFag)
"Well, I say "obsessed" but then again, I'm not the type of person of trying to learn how to breed Pokemon to get IVs and a good nature, understand the metagame, and cosplay as Cheren one year for an anime convention." Says Karen as she blatantly lies through her teeth as those are all true having tried to do all of that and then some.
My card.
Contact information? Alright!
You can mostly find me on Twitter: 

And there is my tumblr, where I post ting things that are too short for here:

I hope we become great friends!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, nice to meet you! It's good that you've come out and are comfortable with who you are. If your friends and family accept you for that, that's even better.
